Sociology Theses, Dissertations, & Student Research. PhD candidates: You are welcome and encouraged to deposit your dissertation here, but be aware that. 1) it is optional, not required (the ProQuest deposit is required); and. 2) it will be available to everyone on the Internet; there is no embargo for dissertations in the UNL DigitalCommons 26 rows · Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Katherine Stovel, product. The thesis should be a project that can be feasibly completed in months. Generally, a thesis is about 60 to pages, but there is no minimum or maximum. Senior Sociology concentrators are not required to write a thesis. A thesis is required for those students who wish to graduate with honors in Sociology
Dissertations | Department of Sociology | University of Washington
Protective Factors against Dating Violence Perpetration and VictimizationMeagan Kunitzer. Housework: Socialization Influences on Individual Performance, Couple Division of Labor and Sociology phd thesis HealthJaala Robinson. The Relationship between Quality of Life, Extreme Climatological Conditions and Social Unrest in Indiasociology phd thesis, Daniel Schaefer. How Does the Social World Shape the Experience of a Rare Disease?
Social Position and the Development, Progression, and Medical Care for People With Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisJennifer A.
The Consequences and Correlates of Racial Identity Discordance: An Explication of the Social Construction of RaceEli X. Examining the Association Between Interviewer and Respondent Speaking Pace in Telephone Interviewssociology phd thesis, Angelica Nicole Phillips.
Relationship Quality in Kin and Chosen Kin Familial NetworksEliza Thor. Drinking Behaviors, Relationships And Recovery: A Relational Sociological Examination Sociology phd thesis AddictionMaia C.
Interpersonal Discrimination and Mental Health among Minority Students at Predominantly White Institutions: Does Racial Identity Matter? The Perfect Match? Correlates of Job Placement Among PhD EarnersAndrea Johnson.
Social Networks and Science Identity: Does Peer Commitment Matter? Disabled and Out? Social Interaction Barriers and Mental Health among Older Adults with Physical DisabilitiesRaeda Anderson. Disentangling the Roles of Modernization and Secularization on Fertility: the Case of TurkeyDogan Hatun. Understanding Mental and Behavioral Health of American Indian Youth: An Application of the Social Convoy ModelJerreed D. Birds sociology phd thesis a Feather?
Friendship Utilization by Sexual Minority Students During the Transition to Collegesociology phd thesis, Jessica Morrow. How State-Level Dynamics Shape Individual-Level Welfare PaymentsJamy Rentschler, sociology phd thesis. Examining Retrospective Measurement of Ambivalence About First Births and Psychological Well-Being Using A Hybrid Cross-Survey Multiple Imputation ApproachStacy Tiemeyer.
Assessing Risks and Potential Protective Factors of Dating Violence Perpetration and VictimizationBrian Ermon Tussey. Protests in the Post-Cold War Era: World Systems Dynamics and Hardship Effects in Post-Colonial CountriesShawn M. Changing Public Opinion Towards LGB Rights: An Analysis of Data from the American National Election Studies,sociology phd thesis, Jacob Paul Absalon.
Examining the Interplay Between Spousal and Non-Spousal Social Support and Strain on Trajectories of Functional Limitations among Married Older AdultsScott A. Fear and Loitering in Los Angeles: Contextualizing Fear in the Efficacy FrameworkBenjamin J.
Three Studies Examining the Mechanisms Linking Stress Exposure to Delinquency and Substance Use among North American Indigenous AdolescentsDane Steven Hautala. Understanding Transgender Community: Locating Support and Resiliency Using the Minority Stress ModelRosalind D. On The Street and On Campus: A Comparison of Life Course Trajectories Among Homeless and College Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Young AdultsRachel M.
A Mediational Analysis of the Influence of Negative Coping Behaviors on Health Outcomes Associated with Adolescent School BullyingJoseph C. NETWORK SUPPORT VARIATION FOR BLACK WOMEN IN THE UNITED STATES: A MOBILITY STUDY OF IMMIGRANT AND NON-IMMIGRANT BLACK WOMENLesa Annette Johnson, sociology phd thesis.
Capturing the Gendiverse: A Test of the Gender Self-Perception Scale, with Implications for Survey Data and Labor Market MeasuresAlian Kasabian. A Model for Understanding Structure Versus Agency in the Participation of Minors in the Commercial Sex MarketCourtney Thrash.
Faculty Parental Status: An Investigation of Network Homophily, Marginalization, and Supportive Work-Family Academic CultureMegumi Watanabe.
A Stress Process Model of Arrest among Homeless Women: Exploring Risk and Protective FactorsKari C. Is Gaining, Losing sociology phd thesis Keeping a Self-Identified Fertility Problem Associated with Changes in Self-Esteem? The Dynamics of Network-Religion Autocorrelation in Adolescent Friendship NetworksJ Benjamin Cook.
Sins of our Fathers and Mothers : Impact of Parental Incarceration upon Education OutcomesPatrick Habecker. Adolescent Depressive Symptoms and Substance Use: The Mediating Influence of Health Service UtilizationSarah E. Does Exclusion From Normative Peer Groups in Early Adolescence Predict the Development of Substance Use Problems in Early Adulthood? Multiple Motherhoods: An Examination of Mother Status on Life Satisfaction and Psychological DistressKayla M.
Witnessing Inter-Parental Violence at Home: Adolescents and School AchievementRenita Dawn Robinson-Tyrance, sociology phd thesis. Tentative Transitions and Gendered Pathways: Exploring the Revolving Sociology phd thesis of Sociology phd thesis Adult HomelessnessRachel M. Exploring Educational Pathways: Reintegration of the Formerly Incarcerated through the AcademyGrant E. A Phenomenology of the Meaning of Motherhood for African American and Hispanic Women Who Do Not Have Children in the United StatesAmy M.
The Sociology of Harriet Martineau in EASTERN LIFE, PRESENT AND PAST: The Foundations of the Islamic Sociology of ReligionDeborah A. Hard Work, Overcoming, and Masculinity: An Ethnographic Account of High School Wrestlers' Bodies and Cultural WorldsBryan Snyder.
Abortion and Distress: The Role of State-Level Restrictive Policies Regarding ReproductionElizabeth Straley. Motherhood Situation and Life Satisfaction: Are Reasons for Having No Children Important?
AVERSIVE RACISM AND IMPLICIT BIASES IN CIVIL RIGHTS WORKERSAnne NM Hobbs. Religious Affiliation and Attendance as Predictors of Immigration Attitudes in NebraskaCourtney Lyons Breitkreutz. Race and Gender Differences and the Role of Sexual Attitudes in Adolescent Sexual BehaviorSociology phd thesis E.
Infertility Help Seeking and Social Support: Do Conventional Theories Explain Internet Behaviors and OutcomesKathleen S, sociology phd thesis. The Effect of Caretaker Separations on Indigenous AdolescentsMelissa L.
Service Utilization Patterns of Homeless YouthSarah L. Comparing Individual- and National- Level explanations of Environmental AttitudesAndrew V. Variations in Social Support and Mental Health Among Black Women by Socioeconomic StatusLesa A.
Learned Workers: Predicting Adult Education in the Labor ForceAlian S. Explaining College Partner Violence in the Digital Age: An Instrumental Design Mixed Methods StudyLisa Melander. He Said, She Said: Dis agreement about the Occurrence of Intimate Partner Violence among Young Adult CouplesHarmoniJoie Noel. Marital Satisfaction Across the Transition to ParenthoodKayla M. Gender and Race Differences in Job Satisfaction and Commitment among STEM Faculty: The Influence of Network Integration and Work-Family BalanceMegumi Watanabe.
The Relationship Between Breastfeeding and Child Care for Working Mothers in the United StatesPatricia Wonch Hill. Roscoe Pound and American Sociology: A Study in Archival Frame Analysis, Sociobiography and Sociological JurisprudenceMichael R, sociology phd thesis. Advanced Search. Search Help. Home About FAQ My Account Accessibility Statement.
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How to write your PhD thesis
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26 rows · Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Katherine Stovel, Sociology Theses, Dissertations, & Student Research. PhD candidates: You are welcome and encouraged to deposit your dissertation here, but be aware that. 1) it is optional, not required (the ProQuest deposit is required); and. 2) it will be available to everyone on the Internet; there is no embargo for dissertations in the UNL DigitalCommons Brandon Schmidt () entered the PhD program in applied sociology at UofL in His thesis was entitled " "Monogamish": constructing shared meaning of commitment and marriage in same-sex relationships. ". Assel Kuzembayeva (): " Marriage Among U.S. International Students: Meanings and Aspirations. "
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