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Personal Data Protection in the Semantic Web (Masters of Engineering Thesis)
Abstract: Growing concerns over the abuse of personal information via the World Wide Web can be addressed at political, social, and technical levels. As the Web evolves into the Semantic Web, where machines understand the information they process, semantic web master thesis, technical solutions such as PEDAL become feasible.
PEDAL, the Personal Data Access Language, defines a vocabulary for composing policies that describe characteristics of clients who are allowed or denied access to the personal information a policy governs.
Policies can be merged together using PEDAL negotiation rules, semantic web master thesis. Semantic Web logic processors reason through policies, arriving at a final determination on information distribution for each request.
Software for implementing PEDAL and test cases for exercising its features demonstrate basic PEDAL functionality. Thesis Supervisor: Ralph Swick, swick w3. Contents Contents Introduction Problem Statement Related Work Platform for Internet Content Selection PICS and PICSRules Platform for Privacy Preferences Project P3P and APPEL Anonymizer, et al.
Freenet, et al. And to do that, of course, the information on the Web would have to be understandable to some extent by a machine and at the moment it's not. Contact information, health status, financial activity, and browsing habits can all constitute personal information, and the extent to which it can be shared online should be under the control of the individual to whom it relates, depending on how much privacy they desire.
The debate over online privacy semantic web master thesis varied and heated, with several competing interests and agendas involved: commercial interests want to track browsing habits to improve marketing and profits; the U. Federal Trade Commission FTC recognizes the need to give people the power to protect their privacy online while noting that law enforcement needs to have access to private information to track down criminals [ 2 ]. Without aligning with any particular interest, semantic web master thesis, this research is an academic and technical semantic web master thesis of how to prevent the misuse of personal information by protecting its online distribution.
In seeking to restore control over private information to the semantic web master thesis, one must look to the field of online access control. Access to computers has always been a part of computer history since users were billed for the computing resources they used and had to be identified through a username and password for record keeping.
The method of usernames and passwords was kept as computers connected to each other in networks for remotely accessing a machine and for broader Internet applications such as FTP.
In its earliest days, the Internet dealt primarily with communication and sharing data. But as computer networking evolved, the number of users exploded, particularly semantic web master thesis to the popularity of the World Wide Web, people involved with Web development began to recognize the need to provide finer grained access control over personally sensitive data.
Early implementations of the Common Gateway Interface CGI and HTTP Authentication provided methods for differentiating between users, semantic web master thesis, again with usernames and passwords. While these allowed individual servers to implement their own data protection schemes by somehow restricting access to certain users or groups of users, there was no way to universally express their criteria such that different software implementations of servers could enforce data protection.
Even as the Web has evolved, no standard has emerged semantic web master thesis declaring who has access to what. With the Semantic Web under development, online privacy through access control is one serious issue that should be addressed. The Semantic Web offers an opportunity for access control policies to fully describe their access policies instead of resorting to usernames and groups, which rely on some pre-agreed contractual understanding that one individual or organization corresponds to some local username.
PEDAL, the Personal Data Access Language, offers an access control vocabulary for protecting personal information using the expressive power and reasoning available in the Semantic Web framework. Software applications Peddler and Bouncer implement the PEDAL vocabulary, demonstrating and testing its strengths and weaknesses. Section 2 discusses the problem at hand in more depth. Semantic web master thesis 3 refers to existing literature about proposed solutions.
Section 4 provides background about technologies involved in building PEDAL, which is fully described in 5. Section 6 lays out the test cases used to illustrate PEDAL's features and shows the results of testing. Section 7 examines PEDAL's shortcomings and suggests future research possibilities; section 8 concludes. See the appendixes of acronyms in section 9 and vocabulary terms in section 10 for the definitions of abbreviations technical terms used throughout this paper.
Appendixes of code can be found in sections 11 and Problem Statement The fundamental issue PEDAL proposes to solve is a need to protect information and to protect it in such a way as to eliminate the need for prearranged rendezvous between one who has information and one who wants information. In the context of this research, information refers to published metadata, semantic web master thesis, data which exists online to describe another resource.
There are several component issues to address behind the overall design of an information protection system in the Semantic Web. These include: a standard vocabulary for describing data access policies, a method for describing those who have access without relying on usernames, negotiation between data publishers, semantic web master thesis, negotiation between clients and a data publisher, concealment, and extensibility.
The W3C can often serve as its own test ground when implementing and trying out new ideas. Relevant examples for some portions of the problem description are given in the context of the W3C's services and needs to better illustrate the concern.
Standards prevent the proliferation of incompatible methods, semantic web master thesis that a sizeable majority adheres to them. As the Semantic Web architecture evolves, the need for standards for some of its design components grows in importance.
Personal information protection is one issue with a great deal of interest surrounding it. Since personal information may legitimately flow around the Semantic Web, enforcing its protection requires a standard which all, regardless of platform, semantic web master thesis, can adhere to. The methods people use now to implement privacy protection are either propietary with no thought given to widespread distribution, insufficient for the Semantic Web, or altogether nonexistent.
Anyone with a concern for maintaining data protection across the Semantic Web, and not just the W3C, may find a standard vocabulary for describing information protection to be of great importance. Along with being a standard, the vocabulary should fit well into the Semantic Web's existing standards. Database research repeatedly runs into the problem of vocabularies describing a certain realm of information being biased towards the needs of the organization which originally developed the vocabulary.
Data models represent the same concepts with different words. Mapping between different data model terms becomes tedious without a common ontology to compare to. The Semantic Web, which strongly resembles a large network of databases, uses namespaces and statements of equivalence between terms inside those namespaces to try to overcome the common ontology problem.
The W3C designs ontologies with this consideration in mind. A standard vocabulary which makes use of other ontologies through equivalence statements is of interest to anyone who wants to see the Semantic Web overcome ontology mapping issues. A vocabulary in the Semantic Web should take semantic web master thesis of its expressive ability to describe any resource. Data protection should be able to describe who semantic web master thesis access to information based on people's characteristics and attributes instead of something abstract, like their username or group membership, semantic web master thesis.
Some sites don't even carry usernames or groups; protecting data is currently difficult to implement without some database of users to refer to. Scale the problem to one of global proportions, and it is clearly impossible for an organization with some username scheme semantic web master thesis maintain a database of every person for their own use, semantic web master thesis, nor would it even be desirable in most people's eyes for any such database to exist.
Constructing an access policy based on actual characteristics instead of abstract naming allows for clearer policies and more widespread use. Certain information may have different parties interested in creating policies surrounding its protection. Organizations need a corporate policy for data access. As a global organization composed of member corporations, the W3C often publishes documents intended for viewing only by members, or only for W3C employees.
This is accomplished with a membership database and an internal access control application using the HTTP-Auth protocol. The W3C database is in fact based on evolving standards and is explained in detail in section 4, semantic web master thesis. Internal organizational groups may need their own group-wide policy. The W3C oversees a number of working groups that deal with specific interests concerning the Web.
These groups are composed of W3C employees and member organizations' employees, semantic web master thesis. Their work is available to all member organizations, some to the public as a whole.
However, some instances may arise where only group members would semantic web master thesis allowed to see certain information, and the W3C database currently only addresses groupings in terms of membership organization employees or W3C employees. It can but does not use a working group perspective of its entries due to scaling issues. Authors may need a document-specific policy. Contributors to standards drafts for the W3C may want to provide contact information to their fellow employees and some subset of that contact information to W3C employees, but not to the public.
At the moment, the best way to accomplish this is to not provide any contact information within the document and hope that people already know how to reach the contributor. With these separate parties trying to describe their own policies on the same data, some grounds for negotiation must be provided.
It must be possible to generate an acceptable document policy to all parties involved since it is not necessarily feasible for all of them to meet and negotiate in person. There is also a need for negotiation between people requesting data, the clients, and publishers of data. Applying a PEDAL policy to data results in a set of information required from the data requester to check if they match the criteria set forth in the policy. This is a request for personal information in exchange for personal information.
Giving clients the ability to express rules over who has access to what information of theirs is a usability concern. It was not implemented during this research, though its design is discussed. In discussing client personal information, a key question of authenticity of information must be considered.
Clients can lie. This issue is not addressed in depth by PEDAL, though a fully working implementation of PEDAL must include solutions to the problem of authenticity. Suggestions for meeting and solving the problem are given in discussion on further research section 7.
Sometimes a corporate policy must be kept private, for whatever reasons. The concealment of policies such that they cannot be reverse engineered easily is an important component of PEDAL. However, without authentication, malicious users could repeatedly lie about whatever data is being semantic web master thesis for in order to discover some best guess recreation of the policy's rules. Brute force reverse engineering is another reason authentication of information and identities is necessary, semantic web master thesis.
Lastly, a schema needs to be extensible such that future changes in the Semantic Web and the way people express personal data and their privacy preferences can be quickly adapted to. Related Work Many different parties are interested in providing solutions for the problem of online privacy. Some go through legislative channels, while those included here are technical in nature. Most of these live within the framework of the current World Wide Web, and several are biased towards the somewhat related goal of maintaining complete anonymity instead of protecting the diffusion of personal information, semantic web master thesis.
Platform for Internet Content Selection PICS and PICSRules PICS [ 3 ] was recommended by the W3C in as a language specification focusing on giving parents control over what kinds of content their children could access on the Web. The PICS platform had ratings semantic web master thesis formulate ratings systems, much like the MPAA and its movie ratings, semantic web master thesis. To supplement PICS, semantic web master thesis, PICSRules [ 4 ] was recommended in as a language for users to specify which PICS rating services to use, where to obtain content labels, and what kinds of criteria about the labels' values made different Internet sites acceptable or unacceptable.
Part of the motivation behind PICSRules was to ease the burden of creating profiles of rules for end-users. There is a small degree of service negotiation in PICSRules in that users will either see or not see a site depending on their preferences and the ratings service used.
This is useful for shielding children, but not for more complex client and server interactions. The PICSRules the language lacks expressiveness and uses formatting rules not completely consistent with today's standards. PICS is mentioned here as a historical first attempt.
While some still use it, P3P is the next generation in privacy protection.
The Semantic Web presentation
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