ECE Admissions Guide. Thank you for your interest in graduate study in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Purdue.. Bachelor's level students are considered for admission into either the Master's program or into the direct PhD program Apr 03, · This admissions data tells us that most of Purdue's admitted students fall within the top 35% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to Purdue scored between and , while 25% scored below The Purdue University Online Writing Lab serves writers from around the world and the Purdue University Writing Lab This resource begins with a general description of essay writing and moves to a discussion of common essay genres students may encounter across the curriculum. Advice from Undergraduate Admissions Officers; Undergraduate
Essay Writing // Purdue Writing Lab
College Essays. Known for its highly ranked engineering program and huge array of academic programs, Purdue University is an excellent public university to consider for college. To apply here, though, you will need purdue university admissions essay than just good grades— you will need to write unforgettable essays as part of the Purdue supplement. In this guide, we go purdue university admissions essay the current Purdue essay prompts and offer helpful tips on how to write each Purdue supplemental essay you're required to submit.
Freshman applicants to Purdue are required to submit two short answers; there's also one optional longer Purdue supplemental essay, purdue university admissions essay. You must additionally write an essay in purdue university admissions essay to one of the Common Application or Coalition Application promptsdepending on which application system you apply through. For each Purdue supplemental essay, you'll get a specific prompt to answer.
Every Purdue supplemental essay prompt has its own word limit and angle. The first Purdue supplemental essay above must be no longer than wordswhereas the two short answers may only be up to words. Note that there is no minimum word count for any of the essays. In this section, we'll look at each Purdue University essay prompt in more detail and give you tips for writing a highly effective response.
This first Purdue supplemental essay is all about your activities. Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. As a reminder, this longer Purdue supplemental essay can be up to words and is optional though we highly recommend answering it.
The prompt here's pretty straightforward: just give a bit more detail about one of your extracurricular activities listed on your application. The activity you choose could be pretty much anythingfrom a sport or instrument you play to an animal shelter you volunteer at on weekends. The admissions committee at Purdue asks you to elaborate on one of your activities because they want to see other facets of your personality and learn more about what drove you to do a specific activity.
The key is to pick an activity or experience that has helped define you in some way, purdue university admissions essay. The best activity to choose is one that showcases an important and unique quality of yourself, such as your leadership skills, your can-do attitude, your adaptability, etc.
You should also be heavily passionate about the activity you choose. Here are examples of activities you could write about for your Purdue University admission essay:. When trying to decide on an activity, it might help to ask yourself these questions :. Don't feel obligated to pick your most "impressive" activity either. For example, purdue university admissions essay you've been figure skating competitively since middle school and have won many big national awards, but you'd rather write about your more recent experience with trying out for and making your school's basketball team after realizing you wanted to get involved in a new sport.
You won't have a lot of room here just words! How will opportunities at Purdue support your interests, both in and out of the classroom? Respond in words or fewer.
This first Purdue short-answer question is essentially a mini "why this college" essay that's asking you to answer the basic question, "Why Purdue? Note that you don't need to go into much detail about your major here, as that's what the second short answer is for see below.
But you will still need to identify two key points about Purdue one academic, one non-academic that drew you to apply to this university specifically. To start, do some research on the university by browsing the official Purdue website. Look for any defining features that stand out to you, such as a professor with whom you wish to work, a course you purdue university admissions essay wait to take, a club you'd like to join, a study abroad program you want to do, etc.
Think about how these qualities, both academic and non-academic, could help support your own aspirations, whatever they may be. For example, maybe you visited a Purdue art gallery and felt inspired to apply after realizing, purdue university admissions essay, as an artist yourself, just how much Purdue values creativity and freedom of expression. Finally, be extremely specific here. You want it clear that your essay is about Purdue only.
So use actual names and places while avoiding generalizations that can apply to other colleges! Briefly discuss your reasons for pursuing the major you have selected. This second short-answer question is all about your intellectual curiosity.
Admissions officers want to know not only why you have selected your major, but also how studying this major at Purdue will help you achieve your goals. Like the Purdue supplemental essay above, you don't have a lot of room here just words! While it's great to mention how you got interested in your field, you should also try to steer your response toward your academic and professional goals.
What do you plan to do with your major once you graduate? How will Purdue help you do this? For example, perhaps you've been fascinated by bugs since you were little and now plan to major in insect biology. In your essay, you could talk about what propelled your interest perhaps a bully tried to shove an ant in your face once, but instead of being scared, purdue university admissions essay, you were purdue university admissions essay with the insect's tiny bodymention what you've done to further that interest e.
To wrap up, here are four tips to help you write a great supplemental Purdue University admission essay. All three Purdue supplemental essays you need to write are pretty short, with one word essay and two word essays.
You'll have to really use your space wisely if you want to produce solid and memorable essays in the end. This means that you should practice being more concise. If you have a tendency to go on and on or add way too many details or flowery language to your writing, take some time to practice writing more directly and more crisply. You likely won't have enough room to throw in any extended metaphors, so don't even try—just write honestly about your passions and goals.
Additionally, be sure to cut out any words, phrases, purdue university admissions essay, or sentences purdue university admissions essay don't directly answer the prompt or reveal more about you as a person. You might feel that your writing is boring, but as purdue university admissions essay as you're telling your story openly and with real emotion, you're sure to write an unforgettable Purdue essay.
One thing lots of students struggle with in their college essays is being specific enough. Especially when it comes to such short essays, you want to ensure you're telling admissions officers the most important and essential information you can give them about yourself.
Remember, they already know the basics about your achievements—they can see your test scores, grades, and extracurriculars. But what they don't have is a clear understanding of what makes you you.
It's your job to paint this picture for them. For example, don't just write that you want to major in Jewish studies because you're Jewish. What specifically drew you to this major over all the others out there? Maybe you had a special experience that cemented your connection to Jewish history and culture, or maybe purdue university admissions essay you deeply admire inspired you to research your ancestry, making you want to use this knowledge to support and empower other young Jews like yourself, purdue university admissions essay.
Whatever you choose to write about for your Purdue essays, just be sure that you give admissions officers the "what" and "why. As we saw with the Purdue supplement essay example we analyzed, it's critical that you bring your essays mainly the two short answers back to Purdue and why this school is ultimately a good fit for you, your talents, and your ambitions.
Avoid bland, meaningless compliments, such as "Purdue is very prestigious," and instead focus on the unique and specific aspects that you believe make this school worth applying to. Regardless of what aspect of Purdue you choose to focus on in your response to the Purdue University essay prompt, just be sure to tie this characteristic back to yourself somehow and explain how it will help you achieve your goals.
Once you've written a rough draft, purdue university admissions essay, put the essay away for a few days. Then, take it out again and look it over with a fresh set of eyes. Note any irrelevant, incorrect, or unclear places and edit as needed. Do this process a few times until you have a fairly clean draft. Next, hand your essay off purdue university admissions essay someone you trust, such as a parent or teacher, and ask them to read it over and edit for content, structure, and grammar.
Use their feedback to tweak your essay until you're satisfied with how it sounds. Right before you submit your application to Purdue, proofread your essay one final time. Follow these tips and you're guaranteed to have one great Purdue supplemental essay! Want to learn more about what it takes to get into Purdue?
Applying to other colleges in and around the Midwest? Then it might help to look at our college essay guides for Notre DameUIUCand the University of Michigan.
If you're getting ready to write your long Common App essayyou'll definitely want to read our in-depth guide to all Common App prompts and how to answer them effectively. Want to write the perfect college application essay?
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, time: 8:01Purdue Supplemental Essay: 4 Top Tips for Writing Yours

Students apply to Purdue using the Common Application. This application requires you to provide a personal essay and answer Purdue-specific questions. View current essay questions. We accept SAT or ACT scores and have no preference on which test is taken. The Purdue University Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Purdue University Office of Admissions, Stadium Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN
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