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Extended abstract phd thesis

Extended abstract phd thesis

extended abstract phd thesis

Feb 12,  · Some blog posts use keywords to summarise the content (this one does, scroll down to see them). The abstract is similar. It’s an extended set of keywords to summarise a complex piece of research. Above all, your PhD abstract should answer the question: ‘so what’? In other words, what is the contribution of your thesis to the field?Reviews: 8 Extended abstract PhD thesis_Outstanding cultural landscapes of the littoral Croatia. Goran Andlar. FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE Goran Andlar OUTSTANDING CULTURAL LANDSCAPES OF THE LITTORAL CROATIA DOCTORAL THESIS Zagreb, fEXTENDED ABSTRACT This study researched cultural landscapes of littoral Croatia from the aspect of traditional land use and land Estimated Reading Time: 12 mins conference proceedings. You must clearly indicate that your submittal is an extended abstract by including the line, “Extended Abstract #” and your abstract number. Otherwise your submittal may be reviewed using the standards for a full paper and be rejected. An extended abstract is not simply a long abstract. An extended abstract should contain

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To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser, extended abstract phd thesis. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. Goran Andlar. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper, extended abstract phd thesis. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. Cultural landscapes still form the basis for the recognition of littoral Croatia, and their spatial, cultural and ecological diversity and specificity gives them a prominent place in the wider Euro-Mediterranean context.

However, to this day the cultural landscapes of this area have been studied very poorly, inadequately managed and, as such, are extremely vulnerable. The main problems of the extended abstract phd thesis study are the abandonment of traditional patterns of land use and organization.

The changes are visible in the succession of natural vegetation, furthermore in the oversized and inadequate building as a result of boosting tourism, and land consolidation and mulching, as measures of modern agricultural techniques. In addition, throughout Croatia there is a specific problem of a low level of awareness regarding cultural landscapes.

Thus, there is no clear strategy for managing landscapes. The issue of landscapes is almost not present at all in space planning and relevant research has only been carried out on a basic level. The aforementioned has brought forward some goals, such as: to define the history of the development of cultural landscapes in littoral Croatia, to identify the types of cultural landscapes in littoral Croatia, to create a list of outstanding cultural landscapes and to single out locations that could be recommended for international records.

The goal was also to analyze social preferences in regards to significance and value of researched cultural landscapes. On a general level the aim of the study was to compare local experiences with European ones in the fields of research, identification, protection of cultural landscapes and thus point out the level of awareness of the topic of cultural landscapes in the national view.

The hypotheses of the extended abstract phd thesis were as follows: - the area of littoral Croatia has a significant number of cultural landscapes which because of their historical and social uniqueness can be considered outstanding on a regional, national and international level.

Desk study included an overview of a large number of professional and scientific sources, spatial plans, strategies, conservation studies, almanacs, monographs, literary and artistic works, as well as photographic and cartographic sources, online databases, the experiences of non-governmental organizations and other sources. In the first part of the study, relevant national and regional experiences in the field of research, identification and protection of cultural landscapes were analyzed.

It was determined that Croatian experience extended abstract phd thesis this sense is significantly lagging in comparison to foreign experience. Although Croatian is a signatory of all international strategies and documents which directly or indirectly refer to the necessity of protecting national and regional cultural landscapes to this day this has not brought forward a single complete document, or a completely realized regional or national project, extended abstract phd thesis.

The topics of cultural landscapes and landscapes in general are dispersed among various national strategies: spatial planning, environmental protection, nature conservation, protection of cultural heritage, sustainable development and rural development, extended abstract phd thesis. It was determined that in the framework of national laws cultural landscapes can be protected in two ways; as protected landscape, a category of spatial protection and as a cultivated landscape, a category of immovable cultural property.

Although both models by definition deal with cultural landscapes as a complete category, they are applied only selectively i. to only certain or a group of built elements or to only natural elementsand the nature of their protection is more conservation and is therefore inappropriate to the concept of landscape. A review of the spatial plans on a county, extended abstract phd thesis, district and municipal level determined that cultural landscapes are identified and protected via a series of related categories such as cultivated landscape, ethno zones, rural extended abstract phd thesis, especially valuable landscapes and others.

Thus, the interpretation of the characteristics of landscapes identified in this manner is very general and incomplete, extended abstract phd thesis. A review of local studies has determined that there is a more significant number extended abstract phd thesis studies which touch upon the topic of cultural landscapes, extended abstract phd thesis, however they have not achieved the level of maturity of those in most European countries.

Cultural landscapes are often interpreted in different ways; their understanding is limited to certain disciplines. There is very little interdisciplinary research, and a consensus on the most basic terminology has not been reached among different professions.

However there are a significant number of studies on the topic of traditional construction and architecture, historically significant landscape structures and objects, traditional customs, eco- history as well as interpretations of certain locations. The results of these studies were extended abstract phd thesis the context of this study extended abstract phd thesis for creating a database for further research of the history, the drafting of classification and the identification of potential outstanding locations.

The research of the history of the cultural landscape of littoral Croatia was carried out through the landscape biography extended abstract phd thesis which on a general extended abstract phd thesis assumes the description of the history of the material landscape, the world of social meanings and individual ideas embedded in the landscape through time. First of all, extended abstract phd thesis, general natural and cultural characteristics of Mediterranean landscapes were defined, then basic theoretic approaches of understanding changes in Mediterranean landscapes were analyzed and finally on a general level the main historic periods of the extended abstract phd thesis of Mediterranean cultural landscapes and their characteristics were defined, extended abstract phd thesis.

Research of the history of the development of cultural landscapes in littoral Croatia followed which resulted in singling out and describing a series of recognizable patterns of activity in the area from the Neolithic to today, and they are: Neolithic landscape, Classical landscape, cultural landscape of Slavic tribes, traditional mountain and highland pasture landscapes from the time of the Ottoman Venetian conflict Dalmatinska Zagora, Velebit, UčkaIstrian traditional landscapes of the th century, extended abstract phd thesis, Dalmatian cultural landscapes from the end of the 19th century and beginning of 20th century and the deagrarianization extended abstract phd thesis the 20th century.

The method of classification of cultural landscapes of littoral Croatia is a synthesis of methods and results of the extended abstract phd thesis of Aničić i PericaEUCALANDOgrin and LCA as well as HLC The classification of cultural landscapes was carried out descriptively and on a general level according to the principle of cultural-historic, extended abstract phd thesis, structural and functional interpretation of land use.

Through this the following factors were analyzed: land use, area patterns, geomorphologic forms, cover, parent substrate, as well as social, cultural and historic features and circumstances. Six basic classes were determined pasture landscape, managed forests, extended abstract phd thesis, fieldscapes, terraced landscape, cultivated karst rockery landscape and salterns including a series of subclasses and variants.

Ultimately, on a general level, local and regional rural landscapes specifics throughout the researched area were described. Based on a series of formerly cited results and additional research of spatial plans and cartographic sources a list of extended abstract phd thesis valuable landscapes was created.

A field study followed which researched the cited locations but also identified new potentially valuable ones 30 day field trip and 30 hours of flight time. Thus an extensive database was created that served as the foundation for further comparative analysis of data on the locations and the application of criteria for identifying outstanding cultural landscapes. The criteria system for identifying outstanding cultural landscapes was created by analyzing the theoretical background of the landscape research and critical valorization of a series of procedures of assessment of cultural landscapes as well as accompanying criteria and indicators.

Each paradigm describes desirable conditions, values and qualities of landscapes according to which it can be seen how rural traditional landscapes always represent one form of the ideal. The measures of all four paradigms have been taken into account in the final creation of the list. The final list of criteria was derived from the following approaches: LCAAntrop and Van EetveldeAntropOgrin,Tveit et. The criteria for identification are as follows: representativity, rarity, complexity, coherence, spatial identity, agro ecological value, association value, historical significance, interest of survival and integrity.

The criteria are explained in text and tables. Using the selected criteria a number of 61 outstanding landscapes were determined. Each identified location is displayed and argument in a special form which has a description and cartographic location, field photographs or aerial photographs, description of the character of the landscape as well as a qualitative and quantitative argument for each criteria according to which the location was identified.

In the last part using a extended abstract phd thesis of low structural interviews social preferences of the population and experts were researched with regards to researched cultural landscapes. The basic goal of the interviews was to recognize elements of valorization of local landscapes with an emphasis on the researched cultural landscapes and finally to determine the potential difference in perception of the value of the studied landscapes from the standpoint of different interviewees.

Textually e- mail and orally 17 interviews were carried out, and the sample was appropriate and purposeful according to the following plan — a quota of five experts and twelve locals. This number was distributed to five characteristic areas areas of outstanding cultural landscapes so that on each location an interview was held with one expert and two or three residents. The selected areas were: Cres with an emphasis on pastures, Limska Draga and its surroundings with an emphasis on cultivated areas within the glen, the island of Korčula with an emphasis on terraced vineyards on Defora, the island Hvar with extended abstract phd thesis emphasis on Starogradsko Polje and vineyards on Hvarske Plaže, Kostanjska Ljut with an emphasis on vineyards and olive groves in the pockmarked karst pasike.

The interviewees among the population were chosen according to two different profiles, and the group of experts was selected according to a sample of individuals from the professions of ethnology, extended abstract phd thesis, history, landscape architecture and ecology. Namely, it was determined that among the population there is a high level of expectation and trust in experts with regards to defining the value of local cultural landscapes.

On the other hand the interviewed experts determined an inconsistency in viewpoints on the criteria for assessing cultural landscapes.

Although in principle the attitude of multidimensional value of cultural landscapes is held, the topic in the most part is accepted on a general level, without strong arguments or clear definitions of individual criteria or groups of values. The conclusion is that the system of assessment is influenced by basic education of the interviewees, but foremost by the fact that on a national level there is no uniform system of assessment of cultural landscapes which experts could use to refer to.

By comparing the attitudes of the interviews experts and population it was determined that on a general level there is a common attitude towards the value of cultural landscapes which is the cohabitation of man and nature visible in the specifics of land use.

Among the residents the described aspect of value is based more on capacity and favorable conditions for agricultural production, whilst among the experts the cultural and heritage factor is emphasized more. Hypothesis were tested, results were analyzed and guidance for their future use and possible amendments were given in the Discussion and Results section using a comparison of results of the theoretical and empirical research carried out throughout the research of history, classification and assessment of cultural landscapes.

In conclusion, from the emergence of agriculture to the beginning of the 20th century, this trade has had a dominant role in the transformation of landscape in littoral Croatia.

The issue at hand is a completely anthropogenic area, namely an area with a wide representation and variety of agrarian patterns, which is a consequence of specific combinations of variability of climate, especially relief circumstances and numerous cultural influences.

It was determined that the most significant period of evolution of the agrarian landscape of littoral Croatia took place in accordance with the wider Euro-Mediterranean context.

These periods are a consequence of specific economic and social circumstances which have significantly influenced the development of known Mediterranean systems of land use and land use organization various variations of agro-sylvo-pastoral, the polycultural systems, terraced and drywall vineyard and olive grove systems, extended abstract phd thesis, transhumance livestock systems etc.

Key historical eras of the development of cultural landscapes are the Classical era, furthermore the period of the bonification of karst in the 16th century, and from the 18th century of the beginning of the 19th century, the period of the development of the transhumance system in from the 17 to 19th century.

The bonification of karst the culture cultivating areas that are difficult to cultivate accompanied by huge efforts of clearing and removing rock and forming fences is manifested in the most recognizable way because it leaves behind vast intense drywalls and terraced systems.

It is specifically such remnants of landscapes that have quality potential for the survival of priority subject identification as outstanding cultural landscapes.

Based on the previous observations that came out of the analysis of the results of researching history, extended abstract phd thesis, classification and assessment of cultural landscapes the first part of the hypothesis H1, which refers to the variety and number of outstanding cultural landscapes has been confirmed.

The number of 61 national outstanding landscapes from a national perspective represents a significant number. Confirming the level of outstanding regional, extended abstract phd thesis, national or international is the part of the hypothesis that this study has not confirmed in its entirety. A strong attitude of the national value of the identified locations has been achieved which is based on collected knowledge and databases gained by this study.

Although the proposed locations have international significance, but in order to receive a final confirmation of such significance it would be necessary to extended abstract phd thesis out a series of thorough studies which could not be the subject of this dissertation.

Those are primarily additional studies of specific locations archeological, extended abstract phd thesis, historical, ethnological etc. That is why the second part of the hypothesis H1 which refers to the level of international significance was not confirmed. The analysis of the criteria extended abstract phd thesis in the identification of outstanding cultural landscapes has demonstrated that criteria of different conceptual dimensions have been used.

It has demonstrated that the criteria of rarity and representativity as the most common and most completely used criteria and that the evaluation of their presence should be based on physical, structural and historical characteristics which can be carried out solely based on researched history and insight into the characteristics of landscape types of the wider area.

Additional evaluation of the system of assessment of cultural landscapes which is presented by this study was carried out through the research of social preferences. It was determined that a group of different views of interviewed experts on the significance of cultural landscapes is equal to a system of criteria which has been determined by this study; a synthesis of aesthetic, extended abstract phd thesis, cultural and ecological views of significance.

The fact is that the inconsistency of the attitudes of the experts on the criteria for assessment as a consequence of the absence of a unique national system of assessing cultural landscapes additionally justifies the reason to accept a system of criteria given by this study.

The interview results have shown that the local population gives lesser significance to landscapes than the interviewed experts do. Therefore the hypothesis H2 was not confirmed, extended abstract phd thesis. That kind of result demonstrates the need for strengthening the share of landscape in the local heritage and including the population in the process of research and assessment of local landscapes.

In the spirit of the previous observations, it is concluded that the results gotten form this study should serve several future purposes. In the practical sense they should serve as basis for recognizing and interpreting characteristics and significance of local and regional cultural landscapes in the context of Croatia, but also in a wider Mediterranean context. Similarly, the results are an applicable methodological basis for future research and evaluation of national and regional landscapes.

On a general level it should serve towards the activation of consideration of innovative protection, models of development and conservation of cultural landscapes as well as the popularization of traditional cultural landscapes as a part of the heritage.

KEYWORDS: littoral Croatia, cultural landscape, cultural landscape history, landscape classification, outstanding cultural extended abstract phd thesis, criteria for identification of outstanding landscapes.

Related Papers. Revitalisation of the Rural Landscape of the Blato Area on the Island of Korcula: Thematic Study on Landscape Management in Croatia. Aničić and Goran Andlar.

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extended abstract phd thesis

conference proceedings. You must clearly indicate that your submittal is an extended abstract by including the line, “Extended Abstract #” and your abstract number. Otherwise your submittal may be reviewed using the standards for a full paper and be rejected. An extended abstract is not simply a long abstract. An extended abstract should contain Extended abstract PhD thesis_Outstanding cultural landscapes of the littoral Croatia. Goran Andlar. FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE Goran Andlar OUTSTANDING CULTURAL LANDSCAPES OF THE LITTORAL CROATIA DOCTORAL THESIS Zagreb, fEXTENDED ABSTRACT This study researched cultural landscapes of littoral Croatia from the aspect of traditional land use and land Estimated Reading Time: 12 mins Aug 12,  · The extended abstract must contain the necessary level of theoretical and methodical evaluations related to the work on the doctoral degree as long as this is not outlined and discussed in articles in the dissertation. The extended abstract shall also indicate where to locate definitions or detailed explanations of individual subjects within the dissertation

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