Acid Rain Essay. Words5 Pages. INTRODUCTION. Acid rain or also known as acid deposition are divided into two that is wet deposition and dry deposition. Wet deposition is what always be called as acid rain. Acid rain is a term that any form of precipitation with acidic component, such as Acid Rain Essay. "Acid Rain," or more precisely acidic precipitation, is the term used to describe rainfall that has a pH level of less than a pH of 7 being neutral. This form of air pollution is currently a subject of great controversy because of the damage it does to the environment and property worldwide Acid Rain Essay. Words | 4 Pages. In describing acid precipitation pollutant chosen it is more commonly known as acid rain representing a form of secondary pollution (EB,). Nitrogen and sulfur oxides are released into the atmosphere reacting to water and
Essay on Acid Rain - Words | Bartleby
There are four main sources responsible for the production of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere: combustion of fossil fuels, transportation and industry. The first source of emission of CO2 is burning of petroleum and fossil fuels.
During the process of acid rain essay of fossil fuels, Carbon reacts with the oxygen resulting in the production of Carbon Dioxide. For example, in order to generate electricity, acid rain essay, fossil fuels are burned, acid rain essay. Introduction Pollution has been around since Ancient Rome and is described as the contamination of our natural environment that is caused by chemicals and gas Stromberg. Because of pollution in the air, more damaging consequences such as the formation of acid rain are triggered.
The largest contributors to pollution acid rain essay humans through industrial factories that expel foreign chemicals into the atmosphere and cause the formation of acid rain. This topic was chosen to explore the effect of man-made acid rain as a result of pollution in the air on plants, human health, and much more.
The effect of pH on oxygen O2 consumption and carbon dioxide CO2 production is worthy of investigation because human-caused acid rain is at large at many countries and may give clarity to other events that acid rain triggers.
A stable soil, with the proper composition, is very critical when it comes to plant health. For instance, a change in the chemical composition of the topmost soil layer, regardless of how small it might be, can be enough to harm plants and decrease their growth rate Mello Moreover, acid rain essay soil is responsible for providing the plants with various nutrients and minerals that are necessary for plants to function.
However, during acidic precipitation, the acid rain can interact with the soil and affect the nutrients in the soil, which can lead to destructive outcomes. Distilleries were being shutdown due to the ban of production of alcohol. Railroads lost products to distribute, therefore, profit was lost. Stores where alcohol was sold had less product to sell, therefore, money was being lost. Since alcohol had a high tax, the tax revenue decreased tremendously, which caused more government spending.
Alcohol Prohibition. Not only were pesticides killing the intended targets, but they also killed other forms of life as well. By focusing on only human desires in regards to the environment, the needs of all other life on Earth is neglected.
Even when humans are taken into account first, some of these decisions can actually cause more harm than good. Destroying the Earth is simultaneously destroying humans, because they depend on the environment acid rain essay survival. The effect of reduced forest size has already had a measurable impact on the composition of our acid rain essay in the relatively short amount of time we have been cutting them down 6.
Ironically however it is the conversion of forest land to urban and agriculture use that has a more permanent and detrimental impact. Logging and urbanization lead to forest succession. Forest succession happens when there are changes to an environment that causes the composition of plant and animal species to change, acid rain essay. New species succeed the existing ones as a result of things like changes in amount of shade, temperature, or the introduction of foreign species.
Diminished Soil Nutrients As acid rain falls onto soil, it may reduce in acidity because of contact with alkaline or basic substances such as limestone or calcium carbonate. The acid may also be simply immobilized if the sulfate or nitrate ions of the sulfuric and nitric acids are retained in soil or vegetation. The interaction of acid rain with soil is bad for any plants trying to grow there, acid rain essay. Hydrogen ions from the acid deposits displace the calcium, magnesium and potassium, leaching them from the soil and making them unavailable to the plants that need them.
The atmosphere becomes more dry and the climate starts to get warmer. With less trees, areas can now dry out and become barren. This could drastically change the species lives living in those areas. Species that live in places where deforestation occurs are victims of the negative effects it has on the environment TS.
If the plant has too much fertilizer, the total growth will decrease because the soil will become too acidic. Fertilizer misuse is very common by uneducated farmers, acid rain essay, which adds to the algae problem.
This experiment will show which ratio will be the best. It also shows how bad algae will get if farmers overuse fertilizer or misuse it.
The local environment around the smoking hills is virtually uninfluenced by humans. It occurs naturally due to low-grade coal deposits found in the area have spontaneously ignited from time to time, acid rain essay, causing the release of clouds of sulphur dioxide over the nearby tundra. Those gasses are carried to the surface, soil and freshwater, and they become acified. List some sources of acid rain, acid rain essay. Acid rain is made by a chemical reaction that starts with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which is the main cause for the harmful effects of acid rain released in the air.
These compounds get into the atmosphere where they get mixed and start to react with oxygen, water and other different chemicals to make acid rain. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide both can dissolve in water, acid rain essay. The burning of fossil fuels cause industrial fog and grey air smog. The unburned remains are released as soot or particles of carbon which contains varying amounts of contaminants, including mercury and sulfur. This implements that natural gases have ways of polluting the.
Particulate matter is dust particles, acid rain essay, soot, fly ash and other acid rain essay in the air they come. Particulate matter can trigger asthma because they can get stuck in the lungs therefore, triggering asthma attacks. The major sources of particulate matter are coal power plants, factories, and diesel factories.
Another air pollutant that triggers asthma attacks are ground level ozone. Ground level ozone is the toxic component of smog and it makes existing asthma worse.
Moreover, deforestation makes the soil weak creating erosion and in the long run, it could affect the agriculture. In addition, when deforestation becomes a situation of consideration, others systems do so. For instance, the water cycle can be affected since trees are responsible of evaporating the water, which then is condensed and then reaches again the trees to complete the cycle.
Nonetheless, as many trees have been burned to make different uses of the land, the water cycle cannot acid rain essay as efficient as it used to be. Therefore, different parts of the world can be affected by acid rain essay of the Amazon forest. Deforestation is greatly impacted by human activity that has taken place over the past several years, because humans have had the greatest negative impact than any other species on the planet.
Deforestation also affects the climate, with a danger of having a greater amount of carbon dioxide than can be maintained for human life. If people start to consider the preservation of the forests, acid rain essay, the forest can still be used as a resource, acid rain essay, as long as it is used in sparse amounts and only if it is absolutely necessary and does not contribute to a negative effect of deforestation.
Deforestation puts the thousands of species that live in forests in danger, because without their natural habitat and source of food, a species will not be able to survive. Deforestation puts a huge negative impact on the global life of everyone as a whole and sets up future generations up for a terrible havoc on the planet and the ecosystem.
IPL Acid Rain Essay. Acid Rain Essay Words 5 Pages. Wet deposition is what always be called as acid rain. Acid rain is a term that any form of precipitation with acidic component, such as sulphuric or nitric acid.
Example of acid rain form were rain, snow, acid rain essay, hail or even dust that is acidic. Acid rain occur when sulphur dioxide SO2 and nitrogen oxides NOX are emitted into the atmosphere and transported by wind and air currents. It will react with water, oxygen and other chemicals to form sulphuric and nitric acid. Small amount of SO2 and NOX that cause acid rain is from natural sources such as volcanoes and the major sources in the atmosphere are burning of fossil duels, smoke from vehicle and heavy equipment and also manufacturing, oil refineries and other industries.
Primary contributor acid rain and local air quality in China is emission of SO2 from coal combustion. Coal is the main source of energy in China and a primary source of air pollution, acid rain essay. According to Larssen, Seip, Semb et al. Other than human health problems, acid rain has been known as an environmental threat to China agricultural …show more content… The first impact of the acid rain is on the ecosystems. The trees do not grow as rapid as how they grew over the last few years back then.
This is worrying much since forest gives many benefits to humans. Acid rain do not actually destroy trees in instant. But instead, it weakens the trees by giving harms to the leaves, not giving sufficient amount of nutrients to the trees or poisoning them with toxic substances. There were not so many destruction of forest in large cities, but in smaller areas such as near the cities and industrial areas had increased.
Show More. Four Main Causes Of Global Warming Words 6 Pages There are four main sources responsible for the production of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere: combustion of fossil fuels, transportation and industry. Read More. Acid Rain: The Environmental Effects Of Acid Rain On Water Words 16 Pages Introduction Pollution has been around since Ancient Rome and is described as the contamination of our natural environment that is caused by chemicals and gas Stromberg.
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Acid Rain Hypothesis Words 3 Pages Diminished Soil Nutrients As acid rain falls onto soil, it may reduce in acidity because of contact with alkaline or basic substances such as limestone or calcium carbonate. Deforestation Effects Words 4 Pages The atmosphere becomes more dry and the climate starts to get warmer, acid rain essay.
Fertilizer In Algae Words 4 Pages If the plant has too much fertilizer, the total growth will decrease because the soil will become too acidic, acid rain essay. Acid Rain Words 5 Pages 1. Mott Haven's Effects On The Environment Words 4 Pages The burning of fossil fuels cause industrial fog and grey air smog.
Asthma Air Pollution Words 3 Pages Particulate matter is dust particles, soot, fly ash and other particles in the air they come. Amazon Tropical Rainforest Words 4 Pages Moreover, deforestation makes the soil weak creating erosion and in the long run, it could affect acid rain essay agriculture.
The Controversy Of Ending Deforestation Words 9 Pages Deforestation is greatly impacted by human activity that has taken place over the past several years, because humans have had the greatest negative impact than any other species on the planet. Related Topics. Oxygen Acid rain Carbon dioxide Acid Sulfur dioxide Sulfur. Open Document.
Acid Rain (Animation)
, time: 4:51Acid Rain Essay - Words | Internet Public Library

Acid Rain Essay. "Acid Rain," or more precisely acidic precipitation, is the term used to describe rainfall that has a pH level of less than a pH of 7 being neutral. This form of air pollution is currently a subject of great controversy because of the damage it does to the environment and property worldwide Essay on Acid Rain. Acid Rain includes rain, snow, hail, fog, or dew that is high in acid pollutants, especially sulphuric and nitric acid. Acid Rain is mainly caused by emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide from various sources. They react with the water molecules in Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Acid Rain Essay. Words | 4 Pages. In describing acid precipitation pollutant chosen it is more commonly known as acid rain representing a form of secondary pollution (EB,). Nitrogen and sulfur oxides are released into the atmosphere reacting to water and
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